Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Monday, September 15, 2014


I hope every family had a wonderful weekend and was fed and nourished by God's word at church this weekend.

It is so exciting to see your child grow in God's word, explore/learn new concepts and begin friendships here in PDO. The boys and girls are taking turns, waiting patiently, sharing with others, listening to teachers/other students and beginning to follow directions. Their socialization skills are developing!

This week for Jesus Time we will learn about Day 5&6. We will continue working in our Creation Book. We will also color a boy and girl to remind us that God made each of us.

Day 5 and 6 The Creation story continues:

On the 5th day, God made the birds in the sky and the fish in the oceans. On the 6th day God made the animals and man. God created Adam and Eve. God looked at everything He made and said it was GOOD!

We will make art work for our class board; increasing our understanding of the color RED, number 2, and the shape of OCTAGON. The children will have time to use a red dabber making dots around an octagon. Student will be able to tear crepe paper and glue it onto an apple cut out. We will increase number recognition by painting a #2 red and adding 2 teddy bears to the worksheet.

The boys and girls will develop their understanding of the terms "In Front" and Behind while we play a Simon Says Game.

Books and singing the ABC song, along with talking about letters and words will foster interest in the letters of the Alphabet.

Small motor skills will grow as the children use crayons, markers, dabbers and paint brushes. In addition they may fine tune their skills as they place spaghetti in spice jar holes, and while they play with toys.

Large motor skill activities will include: the balance beam, tunnels, huts, dancing and playing outside. We will also practice marching when I hold up an octagon, and learn to hop when I hold up a square. This activity also helps the children recognize the name of our first two shapes. Another game will be Stop Sign/Green Light where stop means quiet/still and green means move around and get LOUD.

Songs will be song as students request their favorite ones as well as Spaghetti Sauce is Red (we'll name things that can be red), God Created, God is So Good, and It's an Octagon.

We will also explore Apples: parts of apples where and how they grow and make apple stampings.

This is how we spent the day.

Tomatoes from our garden.

We can put spaghetti noodles in the spice cans.

This is fun to do and a great fine motor exercise.

The children tore crepe paper and glued it to the apple cut out. This is another example of a fine motor exercise.

We had new toys today!

We worked on gross motor skills and perfected our balancing skills by walking on a beam. Olympians in the making....maybe.

This project reinforces the color red and is displayed on the bulletin board.

Time to get creative with the new toys.

We used water color paints to complete day Day 5 of Creation in our Creation books.

I can paint a bushel of apples.

Yippee, it's a new sorter.

This is an octagon project for the board. The class used octagons to create a design of their choice.

I painted #2 red.

I placed 2 balloons on my paper. This project is also displayed on the board.

Our Bible story, Day 5 and 6 of Creation.

God looked at his creation and said, "It is Good." We acted out the story and we are looking down on what God created.

Creation board

Some of us enjoyed putting on animal masks to reinforce that God created animals.

We discussed how to dress for the weather using our friend  frog.

More practice walking the beam.

Songs and dancing to the requests made by our classmates.


Our sand table... messy but FUN!

I used a dabbler to outline an octagon.

God made Adam and Eve and He made each of us. The students used markers to color the boy and girl.

The story of Creation, Day 5 and 6.

The Zion Bobcats enjoyed watching the bobcat grade the hillside. 

We discussed the job a worker does when operating this machine.

We talked about what the bobcat was doing and why.

This was another interactive book that we explored today.

Our board so far.

I read this book to the class.

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