This week the children will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities:
Jesus Time-exposure to the school Bible verse for this year
Color-identifying blue items in a grab bag
painting pictures of objects that can be blue
using sand to make a teddy bear
Square-painting/stamping blue squares
tracing blue squares
#1-using a stamper to stamp #1 and stamping 1 fish, flower, whale and pompom
Preposition On/Off- Simon Says game
Literature-looking at books
listening to books
It's a Square
Jesus Loves Me
The B-I-B-L-E
Wheels on the Bus
Put Your Finger in the Air
I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart
Small Motor-using markers, paintbrushes, crayons, flexing index finger
grasping stampers and turning pages of a book
Large Motor-running, throwing balls, jumping, crawling, climbing
bean bag toss
Enjoy viewing these pictures and seeing how we spent the day.
This was the painting sheet stating our school's Bible verse for 2014-15. It can be folded to make a booklet.
This child used a glue stick on a blue teddy bear. The next step was sprinkling blue sand on the bear.
For the rest of our recess time we enjoyed playing with tunnels, tents, hula hoops and bouncing balls in the new commons.
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