Praise be to God for a FANTASTIC 1st day of school. The children were very well mannered, cooperative and great listeners. During the month of August we will explore color-blue, shape-square and number-one. Each month the children will be exposed to a new color, shape and number. In addition the children will be exposed to various prepositions. This month we are learning on/off. In September we will learn Nursery Rhymes (1 per month). The class will be introduced to a letter of the week starting in September. During Jesus time we will use a children's Bible to tell the little ones a special story. This week and next however we will focus on the school Bible verse; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks and in general learn of God's love for each of us. I will also model to the class how to pray; hands folded, head bowed and eyes closed. The first prayer the class is learning is Thank you Father. We sing it as an echo prayer prior to snack and lunch. This prayer is on the song sheet found in each child's red folder. As a class we also enjoyed recess on our playground, worked puzzle and played with Play Doh. Music time included marching fast/slow, and the songs Jesus Loves Me, Wheels on the Bus, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, The B I B L E and Ring around the Rosie. Through the pictures below you will be able to see the many activities that comprised our day.

I read these two books to the class.
placing blue items on a big blue square
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