Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

This is the final post of the school year. It's hard to believe the 2017-18 school year is over. I look forward to seei g some of the children is Summer Camp. I know I will see some returning to ELP next year. As week walk the halls of Early Ed. I hope to see my friends that have gone to preschool.

Here are the pictures from today.

Geo boards and rubber bans to make designs while developing fine motor skills.
 Art desk allowed the class to draw with colored pencils, cut with scissors, glue textured paper with glue sticks.

 Play doh with very few tools so that, the children could use their imaginations to create their own creations out of play doh.

 plus The Lost Coin and Dorcas.
Pete the Cat video SUMMER FUN!!!!!!!
 Magnetic number.
Color matching gumballs.
Dinosaurs and numbers.
Potting flowers.
Sorting colored bears.

Designing a train track.
ABC match.

Have a fantastic summer!!!!!!
In Chtrist,
Zion Lutheran School
Ministering to families in Jesus' love 2017-2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


(h the time to say goodbye is drawing near. I am so thankful for these fantastic children. They have blessed us. They have grown so much in so many ways.

Look what we mad on the geo boards.

Friends at play.

Play doh.

Colored pencil art.

 Bible stories reviewed today.


Large motor development,

Blessed to serve. God's Blessing to all going on to preschool.