Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Thursday, October 20, 2016

10-19 Wed.

Today was a terrific day in ELP. The children were well behaved and very engaged in learning as they eagerly participated in the centers and activities for the day.  The highlight of the day had to the fire fighters visit. They came to inspect the the building and we got to look at the fire truck. It was SO EXCITING.

Centers available to the children: play doh, puzzles, placing spaghetti in spice jars, books, housekeeping, trains and vehicles, blocks, big box, rings on the pole, climber, flower arranging, circle lacing, Fall tree-using daubers, easel, color matching sticks to like colored containers, outdoor play, music and movement, Bible story coloring sheet, mural of Bible story-Abram, Sara and God's promise and orange book- coloring pics of things that could be orange.

Book orders are coming home today and the rest of the week. The code is on the order. Please make note of it even if you aren't ordering this time. There is a quick turn around for ordering and for that I apologize. Ms. Derrington takes care of this and she had to call the company reminding them to send out the catalogs to us.

Our day!

Working together to create a work of art on the white board.
Working puzzles.
Flower arranging-good activity for fine motor skills.
Play doh lends itself to building creativity and fine motor skills.

We placed rings on the pole.
We used daubers to create a scarecrow.
Let's play trains.
Time to stack the soft blocks.
Enjoying books with friends.

Using markers to color the Bible story.

Lacing round, orange plates.

Flower arranging-placing stems in the sieve slots.

We placed spaghetti in the spice jar holes.
We painted the fire truck red.

Wow look what we saw.

Matching sticks to containers by color.

Painting a rainbow.
Reviewing Noah's story using the magnetic and flannel board.

The climber is fun!

Conversation starters, used to develop oral language skills.

Our books for the day.

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