Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


This week we are learning about God and Creation. We know that on Day 1,  God separated light and darkness,  God said,"It was good" and it was. We are also learning about Day 2 of Creation, when God made the sky and water. It too was good. We are exploring the color blue, #1 and square. The children are painting with blue paint, finding blue in the classroom, using a blue grab bag to ID blue objects. They use language skills to describe the objects and tell how these objects are used. The boys and girls played a color matching game using various colored squares. Our friends have tested their fine motor skills by stacking blue cubes. Of course, all of the girls and boys have enjoyed the climber, balance beam, kitchen set, couch, large vinyl stacking cubes and the other new toys that were purchased for us through PTL If you know a member of the PLT board thank them. The children decorated a thank you card. and Cheryl Haun presented to them at the last meeting. Other centers included the train table, shape sorter, vehicles, white/chalk easel, large blocks, box, puzzles, crayons and drawing, sensory table, housekeeping, play doh, big blue mural, dancing with streamers, music and movement, recess and gardening. Today was an awesome day in ELP.


No photos from today, Monday.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


So Sorry No photos today.

Our day included puzzles, calming jars, trains, big box fun, sensory table, looking out the window-exploring our world, fire drill practice, books, outdoor play, Bible craft with do-a-dots, whiteboard easel, play time with Mrs. Koenig and house keeping-cooking for a friend.