Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Sunday, March 13, 2016


We had an enjoyable day of exploration in ELP/PDO today. We filled spice jars with Q-Tips. It's kind of tricky getting the Q-Tip in the circular hole. While toys bring to mind the idea of fun/play, on close observation we see a lot of creativity and soaring imagination and thinking taking place. The sensory table is currently filled with dried rice, scoops, containers, plastic hearts, and pink, red and white pom poms that help stimulate sensory development, oral language, thinking and problem solving skills. In addition it's just FUN! Heart stamping got our creative juices flowing and helped to develop the skill of spacial awareness as each child placed the stamp on the paper creating a free flowing design of pink hearts. My fiends used daubers to place a dot inside each circle located within a heart (good for fine motor growth). As you know, we have been learning about the shape of a heart, the number seven and the color pink.  Girls and boys used a template to match cards in order to make a snowman and a gingerbread man. The children used the magnetic board to create a design using various sizes and colors of hearts. Later in the morning we patterned hearts by size, large/small. Number recognition was reviewed by matching a number card to a numbered snowflake, (1-7). We found Zacchaeus hiding in the tree. The children enjoyed looking at books. Three books were read to the children today. While the weather was nice, our playground was very muddy. So, we took a long walk around campus, played in the Bobcat pit and enjoyed large motor time in the Commons with Ms. Derrington's class. The Bible craft was coloring a tree, Jesus and Zacchaeus using crayons. We closed out the day singing some of our favorite songs and of course Zaccaeus Was A Wee Little Man. That concludes our day of exploration in ELP/PDO. Oh and by the way we DID hear the BIG BOOM-bridge demolition.

ELP friends enjoyed learning today!

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