Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Thursday, March 17, 2016


The day started with placing pony beads on a stick, placing spaghetti in a spice jar, putting colored straws in matching colored holes in a canister and finally, sorting blocks. The girls and boys enjoyed matching egg halves and placing chicks inside the eggs. The boys and girls made a lion's face using a textured brush dipped in brown paint and stamped it on the circular shape. Next, they added strips of yellow paper to create a mane. Lastly, they added a nose, mouth and eyes. We discussed what it means when the saying, March comes in like a lion, is used. The children played a St. Pats day matching game. Each child was given a game board with numbered coins on it. Children chose "gold coins" and matched the number on the coin to the game board. A circular cork was used to dab purple paint in each circle inside a large oval. The class enjoyed lacing cards in the shape and design of Easter eggs. Toys and books were also available. The class enjoyed time outdoors. They listened intently to the Bible story, The Last Supper.

Monday, March 14, 2016

We had a good day playing and learning with our friends.