
We enjoyed some of our favorite toys at playtime.

The children looked for blue items in the sensory table.

They used fine motor skills to work the tweezers as they picked up the items.

Play doh is a favorite activity, and offers each child an opportunity to get creative.

He loves cars, helicopters and planes.

Building with soft blocks.

Puzzles develop fine motor skills, thinking skills and hand-eye coordination.

We used a blue marker to make a square.

Friends at play.

Day 1 of Creation-light and darkness.

He stamped 1 blue square.

We made a blue square collage.

Jesus Time Day 2 of Creation-sky and water.

The class enjoyed looking at books. We are learning how to handle the books.

Music and large motor time.

We placed magnetic pictures of blue things on the magnetic board.

Water table exploration.

Taking turns.

We love recess.

Girlfriends at play.

Our puppet's name is Billy Blue Bird. He helped us during Circle Time.

We are learning how to march.

This is the book that I read to the class today.
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