Hello weekend ...... well almost.
REMINDER: Our Christmas devotional is in church on Tues. morn 12-18-18. We will leave the classroom between 7:55am, no later than 8am and walk over to the church. You may walk over with us. Or, you may meet us there. Either way, please drop off your child's backpack etc in the classroom prior to the devotional. We are unable to carry backpacks to the room afterwards, while safely guiding children back to Sonsine Center. Extended family are welcome. We invite parents to sit with their children up front or if you want to sit in the pews that's fine too. Once the devotional starts it will last for 15mins. No need for your child to dress up regular clothes and footwear are best. If Tuesday is not your child's day to attend you and your child are still welcomed to participate in the devotional but of course they will need to go home once the devotional is over. While we like to see everyone participate, it's not a big deal if you can't, we understand. If you arrive after we have left you will need to wait in the lobby for us to return.
Here is a glimpse of our day.

White board and markers are awesome, but add a buddy and it's double the fun.
Tree trimming is still popular, even at the end of the week.
Movement and music.
It's interesting to stand bck an watch children create structures with the Magna tiles.
So pretty, don't you agree.
Happy when she is drawing.
Children experience cutting, textures and naming objects, in the table.
All most all students are enjoying working puzzles.
Look at this tower.
Students were exposed to the 1st letter of their name. The filled the letter with stickers. Twofold activity recognition of 1st letter of name and fine motor activity using stickers.
Look what she made. Fantastic.
2 magnetic Nativity sets were available to interact with. It's wonderful to step back and listen to little ones express their knowledge and faith while telling the Christmas story.
Taller or shorter than an elf.
Blessings on your weekend.